In this program, you'll learn two techniques to swap two numbers in Java. The first one uses a temporary variable for swapping, while the second one doesn't use any temporary variables. To understand this example, you should have knowledge of the following Java programming topics: Basics of Java Java Operators Java Data types Program with Temp Variable : The output of the program is : before swapping value of a:5 value of b:10 after swapping value of a:10 value of b:5 Program without temp variable : the output of the above program will be: before swapping value of first:5 value of second:10 after swapping value of first:10 value of second:5 Follow my session on youtube :
IInvokedMethod Listener performs some tasks before and after the methods execute. We generally use it for setting up configurations or cleanup etc. IInvokeListener invokes before and after every test method available in the test code, unlike ITestListener. The IInvokedMethod listener contains two methods: beforeInvocation(): This method invokes before every method. afterInvocation(): This method is invoked after every method. Code example: package IInvokedMethod; import org.testng.IInvokedMethod; import org.testng.IInvokedMethodListener; import org.testng.ITestResult; public class ListenerTestNG implements IInvokedMethodListener{ @Override public void beforeInvocation(IInvokedMethod method, ITestResult testResult) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.println("This is my listener beforeInvocation logs : "+method.getTestMethod().getMethodName()+ " " + " of the class " +testResult.getTestClass()); } @Override public void after...